Essential Financial Security

Congratulations and thank you for the time you are taking to check out It summarizes many years of financial experience and knowledge to give you the financial peace of mind you need to have the quality of life you want and deserve. My goal is to inspire you to take action, do the things you need to do and protect the people that matter most. If you’re reading on it’s because your Family is Everything to You.

Personal financial planning is simpler and easier than you may think. You only have to know the shortcuts and take them before it’s too late. For over 30 years I have been helping families protect their lifestyle. All family financial plans are similar in very practical ways. It’s the specifics that are different. Consider me, Your Essential Financial Security Advisor.

One of the things I have discovered is that many people have an “Advisor” of some description yet most advisors don’t cover off some of the most critical components of estate planning. There is lots of talk today about “Comprehensive Financial Planning” yet little of it is being done and most advisors can’t deliver it anyway.

This, despite the best intentions and beliefs of advisors, associations and educators. There is just too much to do to be truly comprehensive and be good at it all. I see the value in “Financial Planning”. It’s just not necessarily the first step for everyone I come across. The tools used can be more important than the planning because they guarantee the planning.

I want to share some ideas with you about “Essential & Practical Financial Planning”. Helping people do better with their money – it’s about what really needs to be done. The only magic left in “Planning” is actually getting people to do it.

My job is to get you the information you need to make the decisions you have to make to get the results you want. I help prepare my clients for a future in which they are financially self-reliant. I want you to have as much control, independence and security as possible.

In a world where we spend hundreds of dollars every month on things that didn’t even exist only a few years ago … iPhones, Cell phones for the whole family, DVDs, Satellite TV, Pay-Per-View, Large Flat Screen TV, GoPros, Drones, iPads, the Internet … just to name a few … maybe it’s time to make sure we can keep them when trouble breaks out.

“If the nobility in your family has to start with you, then there are some things you need to do for yourself and your family” Jim Ruta

Where to start?

I have a library of financial ideas that I know can inspire you to get the job done. Here are just a few.


My book “Money the Root of All Lifestyles” is a good introduction into practical financial planning and includes valuable worksheets.

It talks about Will Funding – a unique approach to family lifestyle protection.

It asks The Five Most Important Questions – every Canadian Family has to deal with if they want to be comfortable financially.


I have 3 additional websites to provide additional specific advice: – We help you arrange the funding of your Wills so your family has the lifestyle you want for them even if you can’t be there to provide it. This is that most important but often overlooked document I talked about at the beginning. If how you leave your world and your legacy are important to you, then “Will Funding” is even more important. Click on the link and get the full story. Remember to email me for a copy of The Last Un-Will and Testament – a list of silly, potential, unintended consequences of not having a proper will. It’s a real eye-opener! gives you the simple ways to protect yourself and your family from critical lifestyle destroying events. Click on the link and get the full story. lists the 13 solid reasons why good people buy life insurance and 4 easy ways to get the right amount. If you just want a quote on life insurance coverage, this is the place for you. Click on the link below.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is helping you maximize your potential peace of mind so you can get on with the day-to-day realities of life and not wonder what would happen … if. This is where I believe I bring a very special benefit to you.

I help protect people who

1. Outlive their money… with longevity increasing and the markets shrinking, this is way more possible than we once thought.

2. Who become critically ill or injured and are not able to earn any money. Just a few months of disability can completely wipe out many years of hard earned savings. It doesn’t have to be that way.

3. Die before they create the lifestyle and legacy they wanted. You can have the peace of mind of knowing that you never have to leave the people you really care for, stranded and short. Your dreams can live on.

Most people have the best intentions of making sure those left behind are well protected – But sometimes it just doesn’t work out. We can make sure that doesn’t happen to you and your family.

Be confident that you will have what you need financially exactly when you need it most.

If you have a lifestyle of consequence, you need a protection plan of substance. The more you’ve got to protect, the more you need this stuff.

I am dedicated to helping you change the way you think and feel about your finances and your family’s security. You can decide. You can have what you want.

This stuff is so important, I’ll help you do things for yourself, that you need to do, but won’t do on your own. I have the experience, care and ability to see that you get what you want.

If this makes sense to you, you’ll benefit from a brief chat about your options. You’re entitled to know the simple and practical ways to protect yourself and your family … all you have to do is call. It’s the most unselfish thing you can ever do for your family.

So, CLICK HERE and tell me who you are and when I can reach you or just try the old-fashioned way … give me a shout. My number is  905.787.9924. I guarantee you’ll be glad you did.